Our Auction Blog

Auctioneer at an auction.


The first time stepping foot inside an auction house can be a bit intimidating. Numbers are being thrown around left and right, items are being sold for thousands of dollars in less than a minute, and, most of the time, you may not even understand what the auctioneer is saying. 

As for the part about fast-talking auctioneers, what sounds like a foreign language is actually done for a reason. There’s a method to the madness. Since this is such a common question among auction goers, we set out to address some common topics about how and why auctioneers talk the way they do. 


Business items to be liquidated.


There are many layers to building a business. First, you need a strategic business plan, a location, and the capital to purchase inventory and equipment for your desired business. These costs add up, which may lead you in the direction of searching for a deal. 


Firearms on the wall.

Whether you’re looking to purchase a gun for sporting purposes or to add to a vintage collection, gun auctions are consistently one of the most popular auction types on the market. And while buying firearms at an auction may seem like it involves many hoops to jump through, the truth is this process is no more involved than many buying or selling other items at an auction.


A man looks to sell heavy equipment at a consignment auction.

The current age of budget-crunching and downsizing has many of us wondering what to do with those unused items collecting dust in the basement or the old business machinery searching for a new home. 

The path to turning those seemingly obsolete items into something of value comes from a process many of you are likely familiar with, even if you’ve never heard the phrase: selling on consignment. We’re here to provide you with more insight on what consignment auctions are, explain the benefits, and share how we implement these auctions at Dakil Auctioneers, Inc.


Holding up an auction mallet with the year 2020.

There were many things we’d like to forget about 2020. For starters, the COVID-19 pandemic that has and will continue to devastate people and businesses alike. Thankfully, we were mostly unscathed here at Dakil Auctioneers, Inc., which meant it was a busy year both online and socially distanced in our spacious in-house gallery.


   Neil Armstrong as the first man on the moon.

Well, 2020 was quite the year, so it makes sense that many interesting, or should we say unique or odd, items were auctioned off within the past 12 months. This includes several record-setting auctions from notable categories such as literature and jewelry.

We decided to take a look back on what 2020 auctions produced that may make you scratch your head. Here’s what we found.


A woman wears jewelry purchased at an auction.

When it comes time to buy your next ring or necklace, your first reaction may be to head to the mall or a local jewelry store. Shopping at these stores has its perks. Employees will wait on you hand and foot, wrap your gift in a pretty box, and send you off with some type of after-care package. This all sounds ideal, but it comes with a price — sometimes a steep price.

What if we told you there was an alternative? You may not associate jewelry with auctions, but you can find quality, high-end items at affordable prices at your local in-house or online auction. We’re here to expand your thinking so you can better understand where to find jewelry auctions, the type of jewelry you can buy, and what you should look for.


Woman uses auctions for holiday shopping.

There’s a reason why Black Friday circular advertisements and other special catalog ads inundate your mailboxes and email inboxes each fall. The United States holiday shopping season is a trillion dollar industry. Yes, Americans spend that much on gifts and other goods each November and December. In 2019, holiday retail sales came in around $1.01 trillion, while e-commerce sales reached $137.6 billion.


Louis and Susan Dakil pictured with their neice, Heather Bradford.

It’s common for young children to one day follow the career path of their family members. Those who were raised in a restaurant may become a future chef or business owner. Others who are around medicine or the law may end up with a career as a doctor or lawyer.


image of older couple ecstatic about winning online auction bid | Dakil Auctioneers


When it comes to making consumer purchasing decisions, the power of your brain is fascinating. Within a split second of making up your mind, the brain sends a signal to your hand or finger to complete the task, whether it’s clicking a button on your phone or computer or swiping your credit card.


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10:00 AM Whatchamacallit Tools
Whatchamacallit Tools
Jan 21 @ 10:00 AM
Whatchamacallit Tools
Date & Time Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 – 10:00am Location & Directions Items Located At: 1211 SW 59th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Auction To Be Held At: Dakil Auctioneers, Inc. 200 NW 114th St. Oklahoma[...]
10:00 AM Holly Sales & Service
Holly Sales & Service
Feb 5 @ 10:00 AM
Holly Sales & Service
Date & Time Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 – 10:00am Location & Directions Items Located At: 1140 S. Joplin Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma Auction To Be Held At: Dakil Auctioneers, Inc. 200 NW 114th St. Oklahoma City,[...]