Why + How to Bid Online at Dakil

image of someone bidding online with their laptop

At Dakil, we want all our auctions to reach their full sale potential. That being said, we want to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to bid on what is being auctioned. In order to make this possible, Dakil has partnered with Proxibid, an online auction service that makes it possible for anyone to bid on a Dakil Auction from anywhere.

Proxibid is easy to use and convenient for the bidder on the go. We’re explaining how to use Proxibid to make your auction experience simple.

Why Online Auctions Simplify the Process

While there are benefits to being physically in the auction house during an auction you are interested in, we understand that you can’t always be there. Does that mean you should miss the opportunity to bid on an auction item that you want? Absolutely not! Using our online bidding system has many benefits, including:

It can be accessed from anywhere.

It doesn’t matter where you are—Proxibid can be accessed from anywhere, even your phone. There is no excuse to miss a bidding opportunity if you don’t want to.

Keep an eye on items of interest.

Interested in an item but not ready to place a bid? Proxibid allows you to “watch” an item and can alert you as people continue to bid.

Receive alerts and notifications.

When you are invested in an auction, you don’t want to miss a thing, but it’s easy to miss out on something when you are not physically there to experience it. Luckily, with online bidding, you can receive notifications via e-mail to keep you updated on how an auction is going as a whole or for individual items.

These notifications can alert you when an auction is starting, when time is running out, when someone bids, or if someone outbids you.

Bid before the live auction begins.

One of the biggest perks of using the online auction system is that you can place a bid on an item before the auction even starts. This can increase your chance of winning.

How to Use Proxibid

When you first visit Dakil’s profile on Proxibid, you can see the upcoming auctions on the front screen. By clicking on the auction you are interested in, you can view all of the items.

Dakil online bidding step 1

After you have browsed through the items, you can click “place bid” to begin the bidding process. If you would not like to bid yet, you can click on “watch item” to start receiving notifications on the item before you place a bid.

Dakil online bidding step 2

In order to place a bid, you must sign up for an account. You will either be prompted to sign in or create an account from this point. If you don’t want to sign up, you can register as a guest, but creating a buyer account is free and comes with benefits.

Dakil online bidding step 3

From there, you can enter your payment information and start bidding! You can also enter a “max bid” amount, which will allow the system to bid for you against other bidders up to your desired max amount.

Next time you see a Dakil auction that you want to attend but fear you can’t—don’t fret. Proxibid allows you to participate in a Dakil auction from anywhere. View our upcoming auctions and try Proxibid today.


(405) 751-6179

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2:00 PM Real Estate-Odessa, Texas
Real Estate-Odessa, Texas
Mar 25 @ 2:00 PM
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